суббота, 23 мая 2009 г.

moc keys

I use moc instead mpd.
There is some usefull keys for control moc.

enter  -- starts playing
s      -- stops playing
n      -- plays next item from the playlist
b      -- plays previous item from the playlist
space  -- pause
p      -- pause

S      -- plays at random
R      -- repeats the same song in a loop,
Next (X button below) must be OFF
X      -- switches to play sequentially
o      -- plays a file from the Internet
u      -- moves playlist item up
j      -- moves playlist item down
Ctrl+u -- adds the URL to the playlist
g      -- searches marked string in file names
/      -- searches marked string in file names

r      -- rereads the directory
T      -- switches to the theme selection menu
f      -- toggles display mode of song titles
TAB    -- switches marker bar between the playlist
and the file manager panels
l      -- switches between displaying the playlist
or the file manager panel
P      -- switches full path in the playlist
H      -- toggles hidden files view
Ctrl-t -- toggles song duration time
Ctrl-f -- toggles format file view
m      -- moves to directory entered in config file
G      -- moves to directory with currently played file
i      -- moves to marked directory
U      -- moves to upper directory
a      -- adds a file to the playlist
A      -- adds a directory recursively to the playlist
C      -- clears the playlist
V      -- saves the playlist
d      -- removes marked item from the playlist
Y      -- removes all empty items from the playlist

<      -- decreases volume by 1% ,      -- decreases volume by 5% >      -- increases volume by 1%
.      -- increases volume by 5%

x      -- toggles the mixer channel
?      -- shows help

!      -- goes to a fast dir 1 (set in config file)
@      -- goes to a fast dir 2
#      -- goes to a fast dir 3
$      -- goes to a fast dir 4
%      -- goes to a fast dir 5
^      -- goes to a fast dir 6
&      -- goes to a fast dir 7
*      -- goes to a fast dir 8
(      -- goes to a fast dir 9
)      -- goes to a fast dir 10

F1     -- executes ExecCommand1 (set in config file)
F2     -- executes ExecCommand2
F3     -- executes ExecCommand3
F4     -- executes ExecCommand4
F5     -- executes ExecCommand5
F6     -- executes ExecCommand6
F7     -- executes ExecCommand7
F8     -- executes ExecCommand8
F9     -- executes ExecCommand9
F10    -- executes ExecCommand10


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