суббота, 30 мая 2009 г.

another way to make iso

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/omi/file.iso bs=65535 conv=noerror cat /dev/cdrom > /home/omi/file.iso

суббота, 23 мая 2009 г.

mplayer trash tip

mplayer -zoom -x 1680 -y 1050 -subcp cp1251 /path/to/video/file With this mplayer run in 1680x1050 resolutions and use cp1251 for subbtitle encoding...

tar split and unsplit archives

tar zcf /dev/stdout /home/omi | split -d -b 4000m - /home/home.tar.gz

in home dir: home.tar.gz00 home.tar.gz01 … etc.

cat /home/home.tar.gz0* > home.tar.gz or cat /home/home.tar.gz* | tar xz

moc keys

I use moc instead mpd.
There is some usefull keys for control moc.

enter  -- starts playing
s      -- stops playing
n      -- plays next item from the playlist
b      -- plays previous item from the playlist
space  -- pause
p      -- pause